
welcome to reception

I feel honoured to teach your child during their time in Reception at Canon Peter Hall and I am looking forward to the journey we will be going on together this year. We have an exciting year ahead full of new experiences, which will build upon your child’s learning and offer them opportunities to try new things. In Early Years, our curriculum follows 6 overarching themes (Local Landmarks, The World of Work, Seasonal Changes, My Life Right Now, Festivals and Celebrations and Eating Well), which will help your children to develop key knowledge, skills and vocabulary to further continue their learning as they go through school. This year we will be exploring seasonal change through hands on experiences and our visits to the school apple tree will support us to find out about how seasons affect the world around us. To support our learning around the World of Work, we will be inviting people from a range of careers in to school to inspire children, which may include performers, artists, engineers, chefs, local heroes. Your children’s interests are key to our planning process within Early Years, so throughout the year we will engage with their interests and support them to further develop their knowledge and skills within these areas. 

If you would like to find out more about what we will be learning this year, each half term we will be publishing a class newsletter outlining the key learning for each half term, this will also provide ideas for how you can support your child with their learning at home. Additionally, we will publish half-termly homework ideas for your child to consolidate and deepen their learning at home. 

If you have any questions or concerns at any point during the school year and you are unable to speak to me before or after school, please contact the school office and I will return your call as soon as possible. 

Miss Elson

newsletter: summer 1 2024
Homework: summer 1 2024